The CoSIE Roadmap to Co-creation in Public Services is depicted here in the form of related constellations. Use the roadmap as a digital tool through which you can access associated parts of the accompanying toolkit, or download the roadmap in a print-ready version.
As well as English, the downloadable print-ready pdf is also available in the following languages:
Can’t find your language here? Create your own version of the roadmap in any language you want using this blank version of the CoSIE constellations for co-creation.
The video below is an overview explaining the roadmap, linked to the CoSIE YouTube channel, where you can use the closed captions option.
Co-creation is sometimes a bumpy path to take, like any process that organisations or groups try to introduce. The videos that accompany the roadmap show how one organisation attempts to introduce co-creation into its working practices.
The training videos are linked to the roadmap headings of ‘The System’, ‘Catalysts’ and ‘Ethical Compass’. Each video contains two scenes that deal with different issues and are accompanied by a set of reflective questions to encourage organisations and groups of co-creators to discuss and debate those issues.
The toolkit and the roadmap are designed to work together.
The various chapters in the toolkit provide overviews and explanations of concepts, examples of how tools have been used in the CoSIE pilots and practical templates for you to print off and photocopy to create your own co-creation journey.
The MOOC on co-creation in public services provides training on how co-creation may be utilized to develop public welfare service value for its beneficiaries. The e-course is built upon the findings and insights from the CoSIE project and was tested in the last test site in Athens, Greece.
This MOOC is open for any student or service professional (manager or service staff) interested in how co-creation in public service may be discussed, implemented, assessed or disseminated is free of charge.