Seminar: Towards Co-creation of Public Services at the Local Level – Innovative Concepts and Practice Cross Europe


Online seminar on 5 May 2021 – Registration is now open!

What are the key issues around co-creation of public services at the local level across Europe? Which challenges, potentials and characteristics can be identified?

We kindly invite you to this seminar, that will unite about 100+ professionals from all over Europe. There will be general podiums, panels and workshops, dedicated to co-creation of public services and presentations and discussions about the dilemma’s, concepts and practices.

The seminar is organized by CoSIE, Urban Europe Research Alliance (UERA) JPI Urban Europe and University of Wroclaw.

Register to the seminar. Participation in the seminar is free of charge.


Seminar program 

Program times in CET (Berlin, Warsaw, Brussels)

9.00–9.15 Welcome and opening session

Facilitator: Anita Narbro, Turku University of Applied Sciences

Representatives of JPI Urban Europe (Johannes Riegler, Stakeholder Involvement Officer), Urban Europe Research Alliance (Edoardo Croci, Chair, tbc), CoSIE (Heli Aramo-Immonen, Director), University of Wroclaw (Aldona Wiktorska-Święcka, on behalf of Chair of European Studies)


9.15–9.50 Opening speeches

Facilitator: Aldona Wiktorska-Święcka, University of Wroclaw

Key Note: Towards Co-creation of Public Services at the Local Level – Innovative Concepts and Practice Cross Europe, Taco Brandsen, Radboud University

Key Note:  Co-creation of public services – dilemmas and challenges for research and practice, Christopher Fox, Manchester Metropolitan University



9.50–10.00 Time for questions and answers


10.00–10.30 Policy statement: Co-creation of public services in actu – dilemmas and challenges for public policy, Dr József Bagó, county notary of Nógrád county

Experience statement: Co-creation of public services in actu – user’s voice, Hanna Kirjavainen, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Ville Nieminen, Suomen Kuntaliitto ry


10.30–10.45 Time for questions and answers


10.45–11.15 Plenary Discussion I: Towards co-creation of public services in local practice in the European Union

Facilitator: Anna Janus, University of Wroclaw

Jessica Dijkman, Municipality Houten, Paolo Giorgi Rossi, Local Health Unit Reggio Emilia, Javier González Cardona, Employment and Local Development Foundation Valènciactiva


11.15–11.30 Time for questions and answers


11.30–11.45 Break


11.45–12.15 Plenary Discussion II: Towards co-creation of public services in theory and research

Facilitator: Mariusz Dybał, University of Wroclaw

Taco Brandsen, Radboud University, Harri Jalonen, University of Vaasa, Rob Grundemann, University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, Andrea Bassi, Bologna University, Susan Baines, Manchester Metropolitan University


12.15–12.30 Time for questions and answers


12.30–13.30 Lunch break


13.30–13.40 Opening presentations

Facilitator: Anna Miśniakiewicz, Active Senior Foundation & Workshops Facilitators


13.40–13.45 Time to join preferred workshop


WORKSHOP 1: Roadmap to co-creation: How to plan the process of co-creation?
Michael Willoughby, Universitat Politècnica de València, Magnus Lindh, Karlstad University


WORKSHOP 2: Living Labs: How to support the Innovation of Relationships for Co-creation using Living Labs
Rob Willson, Northumbria University


WORKSHOP 3: Lived experience: How to use Community Reporting method to create user profiles
Hanna Kirjavainen, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Ville Nieminen, Suomen Kuntaliitto ry


WORKSHOP 4: Lived experience: How to co-create with stakeholders – useful methods and tools
Anna Janus, University of Wroclaw, Anna Miśniakiewicz, Active Senior Foundation


14.15–14.30 Workshop summary and conclusions

Facilitator: Anna Miśniakiewicz, Active Senior Foundation


14.30–15.00 Final remarks and recommendations

Facilitator: Heli Aramo-Immonen, CoSIE Director

Wrap-up of the Seminar

CoSIE final seminar program 5 May 2021