CoSIE Club Shares Information between Different Settlements in Hungary


Our pilot team continued the organisation of co-creation workshops in our 10 partner settlements between July and September.  We met the target group consisting of family households, mayors, civil leaders, local coordinators and the academic partner for the third time during our pilot.

Our aim is to promote the networking between the participants and to strengthen the relationships in the local community.

We asked for feedback from the family households about the implementation of their household economy plans and the utilization of the equipment received during the CoSIE project. We were thinking together not only about the family households’ individual future development ideas but also their possible common aims e.g. joint marketing and selling of their products.

It is important for each participant to receive and provide information about the results, experiences and challenges of the pilot. Therefore, we discussed how to join and what kind of information to share in our closed Facebook group (the CoSIE Club). In addition we presented some community reporter videos and also a slide show of photos of the previous co-creation workshops.  The participants were interested to hear about household economy activities that took place in other partner settlements of CoSIE. These activities are very diverse in the pilot so the participants are able to gain information and experience about a variety of implementations.

The featured iage of the news item is from the co-creation workshop in Panyola.

Co-creation workshop in Sóshartyán

Co-creation workshop in Tiszaörs

Co-creation workshop at Kunszentmárton