Call for Papers: The 26th Nordic Academy of Management Conference

The 26th Nordic Academy of Management Conference – Bringing Research Together
Bringing research together is about tearing down boundaries between research, teaching, and business. The conference theme poses us to think about: How we are relevant, yet independent; what we need from field; what field needs from us; and, how can we bring our research into teaching and practice.
We invite all CoSIE members and CoSIE stakeholders to contribute to our track.
Track 2.4: Co-Creation in Service Innovations
Service co-creation is complex phenomenon and therefore it deserves to be studied in interdisciplinary
academic coalitions. There are social-historical-economic aspects influencing the co-creation of
services in different ecosystems. There are also opportunities to utilize crowd thinking, crowd
intelligence and special interest groups in social media for example in the service co-creation in
contemporary era of digitalisation.
Abstract submission 30 January 2021
Full paper due 21 June 2021
Click for more information about the call for abstracts
More info about Track 2.4 – Co-Creation in Service Innovations
Track Chair Heli Aramo-Immonen, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Master School, Finland (