Community Reporting in the Hungarian Pilot of CoSIE

In Hungary, the stories that were gathered were from participants and coordinators of the household economy pilot activities. The stories gathered focused on (1) their experiences of the pilot and the household economy activities they have undertaken, and (2) some reflections on broader co-creation processes. You can access the stories here.

In the Hungarian pilot, there was one purpose for utilising the Community Reporting methodology:

A reflection tool: To reflect upon people’s experiences of the household economy pilot from both participant and coordinator perspectives. These stories unearthed key learnings about the impact of the actual pilot’s activities on the lives of the families involved and also explore perspectives on the implementation of the co-creation process.

It is a very useful tool for project owners, participants and other stakeholders because it helps participants to articulate their minds on their present and previous situations. They are able to articulate the results on the surface and also on a deeper level. It helps them to grow their motivation and a useful technique to develop the local community. It makes visible the results. It is one of the most important results of the project.
Pilot Lead

Customs of village life

Egg farming

Supporting each other